Links for 12/23/23

Your Money Is Funding Fossil Fuels Without You Knowing It

Longboard France Histoire du Surfing

Bloomberg reveals stunning 42% wealth surge in global elite families

A Pocket Guide for Scientists: Handling Political Harassment and Legal Intimidation

AI companies have all kinds of arguments against paying for copyrighted content

You Should Have Been Here Yesterday – Official Trailer

Scientists hunt possible link between common plastic additive and autism and ADHD

Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’, say scientists

Anchovies and Sardines Are a Climate Solution in a Can

Links for 11/5/23

Extreme weather in a changing climate

Let’s redefine “Good Surfer”

New Report Calls Out Chemical Recycling as a ‘False Solution’ to the Plastics Crisis

The Material Power That Rules Computation (ft. Cory Doctorow)

Drought in Amazon reveals rocks with ancient human faces

America’s Osage Natives want you to know their story doesn’t end with Killers of the Flower Moon

The Videogame Industry is Larger Than Film and TV Combined, Why Aren’t They Paying Musicians Fairly?

A deaf whale is a dead whale

New vehicles a “privacy nightmare” where you consent to carmakers collecting data on behavioral, biological, even sexual activity

Why moving people out of harm’s way isn’t as easy as it might sound

New Zealand becomes first country to ban thin plastic bags for fresh produce from supermarkets

China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time

One Guy’s Quest to Save the 1960s Time Capsule Homes of America

And now the weather: Cloudy with scattered showers of plastic

Links for 5/10/23

The Real History of the Luddites (Audio)

They ride exact replicas of Tom Blake’s 1920s wood surfboards

The Pentagon is the Elephant In the Climate Activist Room

A Warning On the Future of Music: with Author Ted Gioia

Study: Carbon offsets aren’t doing their job, overstate impact

Endless fallout: the Pacific idyll still facing nuclear blight 77 years on

Signs directing public access to Malibu beach only last eight days

Up to 70% of California beaches could disappear by end of the century

Meet the Surfing Girls of Iran

Nan Madol

Exxon just made record profits, also knew even more about climate change than we realized