Links for 10/5/16

Spill 46 miles off Shetland is being monitored by air and said to be heading away from land and dispersing

Source: BP platform leaks 95 tonnes of oil into North Sea | Environment | The Guardian


Nations on the North Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas have decided to bolster their tsunami warning systems by giving France, Greece, Italy and Turkey a regionwide alert role.

Source: Europe to strengthen tsunami alert system – UNISDR




Video: Johnny Depp, Harry Roach & Surfing

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events




Hydrofoil surfing on open ocean swells

Source: Hydrofoil surfing on open ocean swells


Entdecken Sie das thematische Angebot von ARTE rund um Wissenschaft, Medizin und neue Technologien: ein origineller Blick auf die Welt von heute und morgen.

Source: Plastik in unseren Meeren | Wissenschaft, Umwelt, Technologie | ARTE Future


Earth’s wilderness decimated


Introduction Five years ago, I met Professor John Sweeney. At the time, Sweeney was the head of the Centre for Climate change in Maynooth. He is now emeritus. Sweeney has also been the IPCC represe…

Source: How climate change is rapidly taking the planet apart. Part 2: amplifying feedbacks, divestment


Ominous music in shark videos makes people more negative about the fish

Links for 10/4/16

Those who settled on the archipelago 3,000 years ago – and Tonga shortly after – travelled from farther away than previously believed, scientists say

Source: DNA shows first inhabitants of Vanuatu came from Philippines and Taiwan | World news | The Guardian


A group of tribal members, citizens from the Columbia River Gorge and throughout the state gathered on the Capitol steps today to support Anna Mae Leonard, a tribal member who launched a five-day fast to protest a planned give away of 118 million gallons a year of public water in the Columbia River Gorge to Nestlé Corporation. Leonard and her supporters called on Governor Kate Brown to demand that state agencies to stop the Nestlé water exchange.

Source: Tribal Member Fasts in Salem to Protest Gov. Brown’s Nestlé Policies


In Stuttgart absolvierte die Hy4 ihren Jungfernflug. Rein elektrisch schafft der Brennstoffzellenflieger bis zu 1500 Kilometer. Ganz ohne Abgase.

Source: Elektroflieger Hy4 – Erstes Passagierflugzeug mit Wasserstoffantrieb gestartet


Pre orders available now.  Shipped in the last week of November.  New Holland Publishers are coming out with this pictoral focused book in November. We helped them, extensively, with the image archives and some of the historical research. Bob McTavish wrote the foreword. It is 320 pages, hardbound and will be retailing for $55.  Mal Sutherland, John Pennings, Bob Weeks and Barrie Sutherland capture a very significant proportion of the 1960s surf culture in Australia. This book has hundreds of black and white images and documents the era from 1960, through the changes and includes chapters titled; – Surfing in the early 60s – The Malibu era – On the beach – Beach Fashion – Lifestyle – Surf Lifesaving – Competitions – Surfmobiles – The shortboard revolution – Pop culture -Favourite places *the images here are screenshots of 2 x double page spreads….ie 4

Source: Surfing in the 60s Book


Ukulele Basics For Beginners


Royalty, surf emissaries, and azure lineups in Tonga with Jeff Divine

Source: The Half-Century Files: The King and I | The Surfers Journal


The court’s new focus on land grabbing and environmental destruction could help put a dent in corporate impunity.

Source: CEOs Can Now Be Prosecuted Like War Criminals at the Hague




Surfing Publication and Newsagency, we provide surfers all the news, Board Buyers Guide, Contest Reports, Big Wave Events, Airshows, Image Galleries, Shapers, Schools and Camps directories, Surfing magazine, Learning to Surf tips

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Access information on more than 200,000 objects in Te Papa’s collections. Get up close to our collections through collected specimens and thousands of zoomable images.

Source: Topic: Jansen ‘Invader’ guitar | Te Papa’s Collections Online


One photographer/filmmaker, two views of a Tasmanian point wave

Source: Drone and Still Composite | The Surfers Journal

Links for 10/1/16

Reblogged on

Source: Big Tech’s Latest Artist Relations Debacle: Mass Filings of NOIs to Avoid Paying Statutory Royalties (Part 2) | The Trichordist


“We will only know the true consequences of our time in the water 20 years from now.”

Source: Fukushima’s surfers riding on radioactive waves


The numbers on global warming are even scarier than we thought.

Source: Recalculating the Climate Math | New Republic


By some estimates, the entire population of Native Hawaiians was almost wiped out just a century ago. But now their numbers may be near what they were before their first contact with Europeans.

Source: It Took Two Centuries, But The Native Hawaiian Population May Be Bouncing Back : Code Switch : NPR


When archeologist Hiroyuki Miyagi heard that a bunch of ancient Roman and Ottoman coins had been unearthed from the ruins of an old castle in Okinawa, he initially thought it was a hoax.

Source: Ancient Roman coins found in an old Japanese castle –


Kunststoffmüll verschmutzt die Meere. Tiere verwechseln ihn mit Nahrung und verhungern mit vollem Magen. Nun versucht eine deutsche Insel, ein Zeichen dagegen zu setzen.

Source: Föhr: Die erste plastikfreie Insel Deutschlands? – Gesellschaft – Sü


Video: Logging Braziil

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Links for 9/23/16

Why The Streaming Business Model Is Broken – MTT – Music Think Tank


Clues left in genes of modern populations in Australian and Papua New Guinea enable scientists to trace remarkable journey made by first human explorers

Source: Indigenous Australians most ancient civilisation on Earth, DNA study confirms | Australia news | The Guardian



Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


This map ranks the world’s oceans by the amount of plastic floating on the surface.

Source: Plastic pollution: which two oceans contain the most? | World Economic Forum


Cyrus Sutton & Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Bells Beach’s Last Stand

Bells’ Last Stand Re. Development – Surfrider Surf Coast, News and Petition

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Links for 9/20/16

Muschelsand ist weiß, Vulkansand schwarz und nur ein Seeglas-Strand leuchtet in allen Farben. Bei Fort Bragg in Kalifornien haben die Gezeiten aus Abfall Kunst geschaffen – und einen unnatürlich schönen Strand.

Source: Seeglas-Strand in Kalifornien: So schön glitzert nur Müll


xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline




One man told the NewsHour he had never seen a greater assembly of Native Americans than at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

Source: Meet the Native Americans fighting against the North Dakota pipeline



Links for 9/12/16

Brian Wilson Radio Show Tribute (Sept 2016, Central FL, USA) : Magic Transistor Radio : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive


Perhaps that’s a tad bit hyperbolic.  I mean it’s probably unfair to compare Google to meth-heads and low grade strippers.   Clearly Google and its DC proxies are much more dishonest an…

Source: Like a Meth and Vodka Fueled Low Grade Stripper Google Doesn’t Give a Shit and Goes Hog Wild in Last Days of Obama Administration | The Trichordist


Byron Surf Fest Is Back – & Here’s the Schedule

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


An increase in water temperatures is having a profound effect that, with hidden stores of frozen methane thawing out, will soon start to feed on itself

Source: The oceans are heating up. That’s a big problem on a blue planet | Bill McKibben | Opinion | The Guardian


Experts warn there may be no unspoilt places left within a century as report shows an area twice the size of Alaska has been lost since 1993

Source: Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earths wilderness in 25 years – study | Environment | The Guardian






Source: Crabs With Beach Trash Homes – Okinawa, Japan





Links for 9/1/16

Microbeads is the term given to the little bits of plastic that are sometimes added to products for their abrasive properties.

Source: Bane of the Oceans (and a Simple Fix)


Joan Rose, a microbiologist who has won the world’s most prestigious water prize, is both depressed and optimistic at progress to make water fit to drink

Source: Cleaning the worlds water: We are now more polluted than we have ever been | Environment | The Guardian



Source: 7 great anecdotes from a photographer of vanishing cultures / Boing Boing




Links for 8/21/16






Maps lie: countries that fit inside other countries

Source: Maps lie: countries that fit inside other countries


Die Forscherin Sylvia Earle warnt vor einer historischen Krise der Ozeane. 90 Prozent der großen Fische und die Hälfte aller Korallen sind bereits verschwunden. Ist der Ozean noch zu retten?

Source: Bedrohter Ozean: „Das Paradies geht verloren“


With the Summer Olympics upon us, we are reminded of the highest levels of human athleticism. Swimming is an event closely related to all bodysurfers. At an Olympic level, swimming is an incredible…

Source: Competitive Swimming and Bodysurfing | Swell Lines


This Crazy Vintage Ceramic Guitar Is a Mystery No More—Here’s Who Made It

