Links for 5/13/23

Listen to Brian Wilson’s isolated vocals on “Don’t Worry Baby”

See Photos of the Hand-Built Boat That Might Sail from Sausalito to Hawaii

Das Meer und der Müll – Treibgut in der Tiefsee – Dagmar Röhrlich (2008)

The thinking error that makes people susceptible to climate change denial

See how a quick-fix climate solution could also trigger war

1960s Queensland – ‘Route One: Highway to the Sun’

How We Met: Poison Ivy and Lux Interior

Uranium Stories: the largest nuclear disaster in US history, 43 years later

Links for 8/1/21

The Day the Good Internet Died


Big quiffs, zombies and dead crows: the wild world of psychobilly


Logging the Four Doors break in San Onofre


How to see millions of years of history on a day at the beach


Inti Illimani – La Partida (1975)


Baby Boomers Shed Tears When They Remember The 1960s


A new investigation shows an Amazon warehouse destroying millions of unsold products each year


Earth is trapping ‘unprecedented’ amount of heat, Nasa says


Some of Europe’s Oldest-Known Modern Humans Are Distantly Related to Native Americans


Hawaiian shirts are returning – but ‘people want to think twice’, says expert


The Earth is humming. Caused by ocean waves