Links for 7/20/24

AI’s Bizarro World, we’re marching towards AGI while carbon emissions soar

This New Map Reveals The Predicted Future Climate Where You Live

The father of Chicano art photography

These States Are Actually Aiming for More Pedestrians to Die On Their Roads This Year — Streetsblog USA

Berlin In The Summer of 1957 by Willy Pragher


A World Without Insurance: A Climate-Future Look at Property Values

Tech bro fascism looks like a lot like old-fashioned fascism

Gremmie Skateboards

“I’m not a climate change guy,” says a guy about to lose his home to climate change

New research supports Thor Heyerdahl’s theory on South Americans in the Pacific

Trawling the bottom of the ocean is kicking up tons of carbon dioxide

Links for 6/29/24

Despite living a walkable distance to a public pool, American man shows how street and urban design makes it dangerous and almost un-walkable

How sets travel across the ocean

Why the world’s oceans are changing colour

The world’s oceans just broke an important climate change record

What Is a Steady-State Economy? How Do We Achieve It?

The Unortho_docs | Episode 1 – Richie Jackson

The Ideology of Human Supremacy

Sun Hips

Big Oil Ignores Millions of Climate Deaths When Billions in Profit Are at Stake

Degrowth: The Vision We Must Demand

Video: Goodbye, snow?

‘Future studies could validate more of Thor Heyerdahl’s hypotheses on the Pacific’

They Lost Their Land to the Park Service. Now They’re Losing It to Climate Change.

Links for 4/14/24

Ausstellung Kunst der Südsee in Ulm

Rethinking Economic Systems Inside the Planetary and Social Boundaries | T. Parrique | ChangeNOW2024

MAD’s 1969 “Super Patriot” is MAGA before MAGA was MAGA

The Climate Costs of Big Tech

The climate is doomed if we continue to be fixated by economic growth

75 years of Kon-Tiki: ‘Thor Heyerdahl’s theory of Polynesian-indigenous American contact still relevant today’

The Doomsday Clock reveals how close we are to total annihilation

Why are people climate change deniers? Study reveals unexpected results

Electric Vehicles Use Half the Energy of Gas-Powered Vehicles

Companies are Sinking Plant Waste into the Ocean to Combat Climate Change

Links for 11/7/21



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Finding, restoring and sharing Australia’s lost surf films


55 Bel Air in Honolulu 1967

Kon-Tiki was Just a Tiny Part of the Story

I can’t get enough of this stuff. Reading every book by Thor Heyerdahl I could find, gave me an idea of his theories concerning the ethnologic history of the Pacific. What I didn’t know was that more and more interested people keep coming up with theories and evidence strengthening the hypothesis. With today’s genetic proof the plot thickens quite a bit. This is my real nerdy side I guess. Too bad Heyerdahl passed in 2002, oh well …

Polynesian Pathways

Genetics Rewrites Pacific Prehistory

Genetic Evidence

Some Background on the Harappa People

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Easter Island – Indus Valley Script

Route Harappa – Polynesia?

Early Americans helped colonise Easter Island

However, Thorsby’s findings don’t mean that Heyerdahl’s ideas have been vindicated. The first settlers to Polynesia came from Asia, and they made the biggest contribution to the population. ‘Heyerdahl was wrong,’ Thorsby says, ‘but not completely.’

What??! I don’t recall reading one single line by Heyerdahl that suggested exclusive colonization of Polynesia from South-America. Contrary – during Thor Heyerdahl’s lifetime – it was the established scholars who claimed exclusive exploration of the pacific islands eastward, from Southeast Asia. Despite the abundance of confirming findings – in biology, anthropology, nautical science and archeology – that he presented. In Indians and Old Asians in the Pacific he explained the Japan Current and the likely connection between East Asia and the American Northwest. Further, the ethnographic connections of the Northwest, Hawai’i and New Zealand Heyerdahl drew, have now been confirmed by fellow scientists, as displayed following the links above.

Speaking of Asia as a place of origin, the Southeast Asia theory of old, viewing the Lapita Culture as the ancestors of the Polynesians, has been replaced with Taiwan (through Heyerdahl’s Japan Current) – even by today’s academics. Putting Lapita on the western border and Taiwanese descendents at the center of Polynesia.

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Not only have natural catastrophes changed the course of history, but there is much that has been lost to conquering tribes. This is not to say the defeated did not contribute to the resultant culture. Their language and history may have been lost, but genetic and cultural elements of that pre-existing culture remain. The victorious tribe does not make an effort to tell the history of the vanquished, but they glean what they can use and trash the rest. Therefore when attempting to use language to trace the history of man, we must remember it will only tell us half the story.

The Polynesians are the product of many encounters, with tribes of differing backgrounds, that is why their early history has so many conflicting stories. It is also why they are culturally rich. They did not come from one place, but they came from many places. They as a culture were created in the Pacific.
The Polynesians are a combination of fragments of civilizations from both east and west, with a history going back a very long way. The Hawaiian genealogy goes back to Lai Lai who existed 16,000 years ago, but unfortunately such stories have, sadly, been passed off as mere folklore.
Due to their isolation, people on the scattered isles of the Pacific have retained cultural traits from their ancestral civilizations. Isolated island communities are in some ways veritable time capsules of past civilizations, with certain belief systems dating back over 12,000 years. By comparing cultural traits throughout the region and identifying what they have in common, we can start to build up a picture of what these ancient civilizations were once like. To ignore these connections is to ignore a veritable treasure trove of information. I have merely scratched the surface in this article and much work is yet to be done. Unfortunately 140m of water, tens of metres of sediments and the passage of time make it very hard to piece together this most interesting period of human prehistory.

Quote from Conclusion by Peter Marsh

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