Links for 11/28/13

New Video: Links Between Big Tobacco and Climate Denial – “Rhymes with Smoky Joe” | Climate Denial Crock of the Week

Edward Burtynksy’s Environmental Photography | Trendland: Design Blog & Trend Magazine.

Vanishing Ice: 200 plus years of art about climate change | Vancouver Sun.

Leonardo Da Vinci’s wacky piano is heard for the first time, after 500 years.

Fv25 on Vimeo via Fv25.

Jellyfish-killing robots – Boing Boing.

10,000 Pacific Walrus Come Ashore Due to Declining Ice | Ecorazzi.

The Autumn Defense : Full Ten Paces | Free Music Download.

Links for 11/26/13

RealClimate: Sea-level rise: What the experts expect

Malibu Sand Berm Constructed for Happy LA Surfers – Surf Channel

Call on Google today to stop trafficking in ivory. | SumOfUs.

Protect Costa Rica's rainforests: tell Infinito Gold to drop the $1b lawsuit | SumOfUs.

Dengue Fever: Why You Should Be Worried |

Investing In Renewables, Divesting From Fossil Fuels | CleanTechnica.

Collapse? Wealthiest Nations Accused of Sabotaging UN Climate Talks | Common Dreams.

5 Ways Monsanto Wants to Profit Off Climate Change | Mother Jones.

How 16 ships create as much pollution as all the cars in the world | Mail Online.

Links for 11/25/13

50 Year Forecast | Climate Change

Scientists Identify More Than 2,300 ‘Irreplaceable’ Places Key To Wildlife’s Survival

Report: IPCC sea level rise projection may be too low

The Year the Monarch Didn’t Appear

Jellyfish winning the fight for food – against humans

Climate Change: The Next Generation: The truth!?! You can’t handle the truth!!!

Jared Diamond – Guns, Germs, & Steel | London Real

Photography: Before they pass away

Climate change, overfishing degrading ocean health faster than predicted, says IPSO

Ocean acidification due to carbon emissions is at highest for 300m years

The True History of Libertarianism in America: A Phony Ideology to Promote a Corporate Agenda

Save the Great Barrier Reef from dirty coal!